The weekend has been a slow, peaceful, kind of a lazy time. Have not heard or seen any family or really any friends either so it has been kind of a "go it alone time" for me. I continue to try to focus on "decluttering", keeping the weight off, getting some exercise in and just being the kind of person I feel God is asking me to be. I did get a couple of loads of clothes washed and I used the dryer for the first time this year as I have been hanging things on the line.
I did enjoy having the Binde's stay over night Friday and then making breakfast for them Saturday morning before they continued on their way to Washington DC for their fall trip.
I also did have a follow up Dr. appt Friday morning and all is fine. Sometimes I feel they want you to come back for advice or whatever just to get their co-pay. I hope I am finished with Dr. for a while.
Not much more to say. I do have few things to do before Aaron/Amy arrive Wednesday for turkey day. It will be fun to see them again but for sure will miss John/Mary and kids. I am hoping to see them in early December but not sure yet. I want to travel down there but have not made final plans yet.
I need to do some paper work tonight. I received a call from Chase today saying that someone had tried to charge $10,000+ on my credit card. Wow, I had better do my homework to be sure things are in order there. Got to go.
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