Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another first

Spent most of yesterday in Fort Lauderdale on the east coast.  Drove on alligator ally over there and then enjoyed the ocean and beach. No biking yesterday but did get in a nice walk. 
The weather continues to be nice here.  Woke up to 62 this morning and as I was on a walk a lady looked and said you sure are brave to have shorts on!!  I thought it was warm.  I think the temp will end up being about 72 or so by mid afternoon.  Hard to complain with that.
I am keeping in touch with the Krauses and how Jeanette is doing.  I plan to fly back if the Lord decides to take her home soon.  At this time the fares are in the $140 range which is doable.  There was a note this morning on her Caring Bridge and it sounds like she is still up and around a bit and doing somethings for herself which is good. 
Not much more to say for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is Alligator Alley?