Camp came and went and so now is history. It only remains in the minds and hearts of those who were there. It was great, it was hard, it was HOT, it was WET, God was there, his daily visits were precious and I am so happy I was there but am so happy to be home.
Pictured are some girls who are drying out their tent after one of the many many rains. While we were there we received well over 6 inches of rain while enduring at least 4 major downpours. As the picture may indicate the tents 200+ kids slept in may have been OK but rain proof they were not. The campers and the staff were unbelieviable. In spite of wet, humidity, heat and all the rest they remained upbeat, positive, and greatful for being able to serve our younger brothers and sisters and give them the chance to experience God in an up front and real way. Our theme was friendship with Jesus and with each other and never in the past 32 years of camp have I seen so much happen in relationship to the theme. I know that God will continue to work powerfully in the lives of campers and staff in the days, weeks and months ahead.
I wish I had some profound wisdom to say about camp but I do not. All I can say is God was there in such a real way that if anyone would have stopped in to visit they could have almost seen him, touched him and for sure they would have known that "this place is special" and it remained that until I drove out of the camp yesterday. Thank you Lord for your goodness, your love and your protection.
Here I am now. Camp is behind me, as I blog this morning I am 11 months beyond my life with Gail, John/Mary and family are now safely in South Bend IN and I am beginning to sense that God may be up to something in me. Perhaps a new enthusiasm, maybe new energy, or a new outlook or maybe just the same things as in the past but with a brighter outlook on things. I do have much to do with unpacking, sorting camp things, cleaning up things and of course my "should do list" which has evolved from my old "honey do list" is ever growing and laying on the table almost with a menacing look. There are many small things that I could do fairly quickly but there are also some major things that are long term work intense that I almost don't want to look at.
I would be remiss if I failed to mention that camp was oh so difficult for me this year. It seemed that every nook or corner or field had Gail's signature on it. So so many times I almost could see her come walking into the room or around the corner with her Tilley hat that she really didn't care for but needed for sun protection. I could see that tiny little smile that seemed to be permanently on her face even in spite of difficulties or pain. I found that these last many months I have gone through birthdays and holidays with some difficulties but always the next day was brighter but for camp it was tomorrow and the next and the next so the week did seem long. But camp was good and now I need to move on and put those things in my memory bank to be enjoyed as time goes on.
I emptied my rain gauge yesterday and found that during camp St. Paul received a bit over 5 inches of rain. Needless to say things are now a bit soggy and the humidity is high. The good thing is flowers and grass are so beautiful yet.
Here it is 9:10 and if I continue to sit here the day will be gone and the work will be yet ahead of me.
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