Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A First

We men thought we had a lock on grandchildren as they came boy, boy, boy but Faustina broke the pattern. Really I think we will not be unhappy as she is certainly a keeper and of course her wardrobe is better than any of those work in the shop, dig in the dirt, examine the worm boys!!!

Gail did a bit better yesterday. She was up most of the day and she actually helped put in the tomato plants in the back yard. Once again I do not think she slept well as she was downstairs at 2:00 this morning but she is still sleeping now.
We have canceled our June family camping trip and I also canceled our hotel stay on our anniversary. I think Gail's body needs to stay home and rest rest to heal as it is very run down. I am beginning to think that when I hold her to give her a big hug I may miss as her weight is approaching the number she was at in the 70's. Her looks is still like wine, better with age and certainly better at 63 than at 30, and I thought she was cute at 30!
I will end with a picture of our tomatoes, which Cynthia started at home, just to prove that we do some work and I don't sit blogging all day. Thanks for your continued prayers and belief that Gail will be healed. As I write I know some of you on our 24 hour prayer watch are praying for her healing which is a huge blessing for Gail and I.

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