After 3 weeks of no gdma/gdpa Thursday we were back at it yesterday and of course the kids loved it. Perhaps tomorrow I can post a super picture of Liam trying to catch the ducks at St. Kates College.
As always please pray daily for Gail. She is doing fine but has experienced pain on her upper right side for the last 10 days or so. It makes getting a good night sleep a challenge so pray that she sleeps well and BELIEVE that she is being healed. On Tuesday we had several people over to pray and then we enjoyed burgers, quesadillas (with walnuts), salad and Susan's made from scratch chocolate cake. All the food was great but that cake was certainly "to die for". Even though Gail and I eat very little sugar or white flour now we both had to have a piece. I thought the afternoon was a good example of living our christian life more in common with others. It certainly was a exercise in getting out of ourselves and living with and for others.
Have a great weekend and a wonderful Mother's Day.
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