Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's a beautiful day

Happy Sunday. The weather is a A+ today. After many days of cool cloudy days it is bright sun and mid 70's. God is oh so good.

Gail's health remains stable. We have yet to see signs of healing but she is feeling well except for that hip which remains troublesome. Last night she had some discomfort in it which is unusual as most of the time it is weak but not painful. Lord come with your healing spirit to make Gail well. We continue to talk about camp and what she should do. She does need to get better or she will not be able to spend much if any time at camp. She also continues to be quite tired as she is resting upstairs now. She did not sleep well last night so she will be resting some today.

Hope this note find all of your well and thank you for keeping the prayers coming.

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