Monday, July 13, 2009

A new week

Today was busy. Camp program directors met here so most of the day revolved around getting ready and preparing for camp. Among the things that needed to be discussed was staff, precamp, evening program, older AM program, afternoon activities and the list goes on. It is always a joy to meet as Jeanne Oberg, Mike Oberg, Molly Annala and Ginny DeSanto are about as family as one can get without actually being family. It seems like they are always postive, faith filled and of course honored to work with our young people which is what it is all about.

I was able to get away enough to purchase more wheat grass trays. Among the people here was Susan Wind, Ken Kuehn and Don Ferber.

Tomorrow at 7:00 AM we are headed up north a bit to get somethings for Gail. It should mean we will be home about 10:00 or so.

Have a great week.

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