Saturday, July 10, 2010

A slow and peaceful day

I may becoming lazy as another day with no picture. 
A Saturday with few things that had to be done and it was so welcome for some reason.  I missed a wedding but with my schedule this week and my back the way it has been I felt I needed to stay home and relax.  I think it was good. 
The day was fairly quiet and peaceful, a welcome day for me.  I did some things around home and for camp but really my pace was slow and my mind was at rest.  My home seemed to be a heavn for me with the stillness, the warm comfortable couch and few phone calls to stir the mind.  As I thought about it the day was much like the few days Gail and I had where we could relax, do some work and enjoy each other.  I don't really know if I have had a day like this since we said good bye to Gail.  I can only hope and pray that it is the beginning of the future, maybe just maybe. 
God seemed to be near and my mind seemed to be able to focus on the good, the positive and the hope of things to come. 
I enjoyed a call from Helen, the baby of the family.  It is hard to believe that in less than a month she will be wildly danceing and celebrating the BIG BIG birthday.  I promised that I will not take up more than a week on my blog to remind her and the world that she too could be close to SS benefits and to AARRP!!!  My suggestion is that all who know her send her a card that arrives close to August 7 and wish her the best in these declining years----well I did not mean declining but rather deciding years.  Anyway we had a nice talk and of course she again mentioned her very stressful and tiring job at the golf club where she works and one of her jobs is to keep the old men who play golf  away from the younger ladies all the time.  Really it was fun talking to her but it did fire me up a bit for her upcoming big day.
I will be taking my last meds for my back tomorrow and then the test comes but I am expecting my back to be good to go soon so Thank you Lord.
I will try to get a picture up tomorrow.

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