Monday, June 28, 2010

Closer to the 4th

One day gone in the week and a day closer to our family camp out and the 4th weekend.  I am excited about the camp out and also a bit apprehensive.  Gail always did ll the packing of camping things so the question is how much will I forget??  It should be a grand time yet I know it will challenge my emotions in many ways.  I remember when we decided to go on our 7 week camping trip in 07 Gail was planning and packing forever!!  Then when it happened she just loved every minute of it. 
I finished the sun room today and even took out the rubber back carpet.  Most of the rubber on the back had become dust.  What a mess but now it is cleaner and even if the red tile floor leaves much to be desired it is BETTER than the yellow carpet.I even did some work in the north bedroom so that is fairly clean.  It sure felt good to get those things somewhat done. 
Not a lot more to say today.  There is much to do this week and I still want to get my daily bike rides in.  For the first time today I rode across the Mendota Bridge and went to the cemetery for a bit.  On the bike it is only about 5 miles so not too bad. 
I am tired tonight.  I think I will rel

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