Yesterday was pretty much a normal day. WG (wheat grass) in the morning, work around the house in the afternoon. Gail continues to inch towards better health. Gail made a raw salad yesterday which was great. Carrots, cabbage, red pepper, celery, onions, cucumbers, cauliflower all mixed with celery salt, olive oil and vinegar. We enjoyed that with grilled salmon. It was a feast. The raw salad was a huge recipe so come on over today and we'll give you a taste!
Today looks a bit busy. WG (that now stands for wheat grass, not women group) in the AM, I have a meeting in Burnsville at 11:30 and then we will go to Lindstrum to get some things for Gail in the afternoon.
For those of you who do not live in the Twin Cities the weather for the next few days should be warm and muggy---the first of the year. For my sister in Holiday Island that cabin in northern MN would sure be nice now don't you think?
I almost forgot. I looked at a scroll saw on Craig's list yesterday. It was just across the river. A lady's 92 year old father pasted away and he had a RBI Hawk saw. I am sure all of you know about those! Very nice and would go great in my wood shop but I looked at the saw and looked at my cash and decided they did not match!!! Maybe another day.
Have a wonderful weekend and be sure to celebrate Father's Day. A priest friend in Devils Lake North Dakota once told us, "Life is full of challenges and difficult times so look for ways and things to celebrate often!!" We have found that to be a great way to live.
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