Mke is our favorite son-in-law!! Mike and Cynthia married in October of 2006. If you haven't met Mike you need to come and spend time with him as he is a great guy. With a heart of gold he also has talents in art as well as decorating, and does many handy man projects around the house. Mike just returned home after spending 12 days in Peru with the Catholic Studies program from University of St. Thomas.
By the way I did not in any way put Mike down when I posted pictures of Wallace before him!! I just thought Wallace was so funny before and after that I wanted to share that when it was fresh! Perhaps I should profile Wallace tomorrow a bit? If you want to know more about Wallace make a comment otherwise we have seen enough of him!!
Mike is the last of the profiles. We started with oldest grandchildren and ended with youngest children.
Gail and I need extra prayers in the next few days. Gail has been not feeling well Friday and Saturday. Her lower back has pain and she is constipated. We may look into more treatment this coming week but we just are not sure. Lord grant us wisdom.
As I write this morning I am sure Mark and Mary Saunders are busy putting on the extra touches for Luke's graduation party in Cayuga today. This is their last HS graduation as was Dan Saunders' last Sunday for Allen and Debbie. We and our siblings are quickly becoming the older generation and in some ways that is scary but in many ways it is a real blessing. Just in our family Mary has lost both of her parents, Mike has lost his mother and of course of Gail's and my parents only Grandma Saunders at the age of 88 is living. By the way grandma is living in Riverview in Fargo and loves it. I would say for 88 her health is very good except she has little eyesight left which is very frustrating for her as she can not read any more.
Before I leave, an extra prayer request. One of my cousins, Jerry Lee who lives in Elgin ND has advanced liver cancer. Jerry is a retired Lutheran pastor and is 74. I say pray for a healing. Pray that he have peace and comfort as he deals with this health issue.
We have so enjoyed Leo this weekend and of course Aaron and Amy too. Last night as Gail rested I went to John and Mary's as everyone was there for dinner. Those grandchildren are so precious and each one is so much of an individual it is a miracle in super action. We are also so blessed that all of the kids do a wonderful job with their children. Of course Gail and I do not agree with everything they do but then perhaps when we don't agree they may be doing things in a better way then us!!!
We received .7 inches of perfect rain yesterday. Thank you Lord and keep it coming today.
1 comment:
Carmen, thanks for the blog. I am in Waunakee Wisconsin visiting family. I can say that I have scouted town and taken pictures of things that I thought were a little bit interesting. I have taken maybe 300 photos in 4 days.
I have been able to serve others using my HHR: "Handy Hot Rod". One example of this happened yesterday. I went to a graduation party at my cousins farmmet. They needed TP, I told them I would go. Well I came back with a 12 pack.
My dad and I also visited two cemetaries visiting the graves of both my grand parents. We will visit my mom's grave later in the week.
I stopped by the High School. I met the new principal; he has only been there 17 years. I made a suggested to him about having an alumni party each summer. I suggested something like the Servant camp fund raiser. I figured something nice but it isn't my job to pull it off.
I wanted to tell you that Wallace isn't the only handsome man that lives at your house,
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