Here is the van that John/Mary purchased in Indiana. They got an unbelievable deal on it. Brings back many memories of our blue conversion van which went to a new owner with 190,000 miles on it and many memories inside. Mother and I are a bit jealous but that is OK!
Gail continues to feel better each day. We are doing the wheat grass program each morning. That takes the time up from about 6 AM to 11 AM. Don't ask for the details but at this point it seems to be making a big difference in how Gail looks and feels. We are so thankful for all your prayers and support.
I was excited to finish repairing the Wind's picnic table yesterday. I am sure Jerry will stain the new pole and I suspect it will look like their table of old. It may even be stronger. It was a fun project and did not take that long. I pretty much just had to make an 1 1/2 inch dowel about 3 feet long and then make the end 4 inches about 1/8 of an inch smaller. I am enjoying using the few woodworking skills I have to replicate and repair things. It is a challenge and it is fun. Also was able to finally finish our wheat grass growing stand. I had to make an enclosure so the squirrels would not get at it.
The weather looks like summer may be here so that means gardens will grow and lawns will need to be cut soon, that is if we get more rain as it still is dry.
Have a great week.
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