The picture was taken in the summer of 1966 and that is me with my beloved Harley Sprint which was my only transportation until I married Gail. In those days I lived for the rides that we would go on and Gail would hang on to my waist so tight. Even though I loved my cycle so much the day we were married I gave it to my dad and having Gail instead of my cycle was the best thing I ever did.
I am still in the half work, half lazy mode today. I did some things but not enough yet. Travis, Cynthia and Faustina were here for some time this morning and that was good. I am upset with Cynthia because she left too much delicious lefsa and I am going to get fat!! I took a walk and ended up sitting in a book store and reading wood magazines for a while. I also bought some of Regina Candy's home make candy canes. I usually order them but forgot and I could not believe they had 4 left so that is all I got. I also stopped at Davanni's with a $20 gift that was dated Dec 19, 2006. They actually took it and gave me the balance in cash. So I had lunch and walked away with $12 in my pocket.
I put out much for the recycle again. That is so nice to be able to recycle things. I am guessing that I put out about 30 boxes that I took apart and another 10 bags of papers. I will be happy when that kind of work is finished. I think I am getting a bit burned out on recycling etc.
I think it had better be back to work.
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