Here is a picture of Gail 4 weeks before she went to heaven, it was taken the day Jude was born. You can see the signs of her body being weakened by cancer but if you look closely you can see her eyes are clear, bright and so yet alive. Her eyes remained that way to the very end of her life here on earth. We had our party tonight just for Gail. Over 50 people came to celebrate the season and to give honor and glory to our Gail. I was so excited that over $250 was left in the basket for the Gail Lee Servant Camp Fund. I was and am so proud that Gail chose me to be her husband for all of her married life. She was special in so many ways. Don't get me wrong I am not saying she was perfect but really so special in so many ways. I know that she would have been happy with so many people coming and having a wonderful time. Even though I don't even come close to having the "Gail" touch in putting up Christmas things or in being the host of a party she would have been so kind and told me a job well done. So many people helped, so many brought food so it was a family, friend and neighbor endeavor and very successful. Some neighbors across the street now want me to organize a Niles Ave garage sale next spring. I think I will pass on that one. Back when Gail was with us the only garage sale I wanted to do was to put a sign on the outside of the garage and say garage sale, the building and everything in it!!!
I was so proud of my kids who were able to come and of course those grandchildren are always the hit of any party. I am a bit concerned about Audrey and Faustina as they keep stealing people's heart!
One neighbor shared with me a relative works with hospice and they say the milestones for losing a loved one are 30, 60 and 90 days and then 6 months and a year. Well Gail died 89 days ago so I would say we had the party at a good time. I was so relieved because I was able to talk about Gail and share about her without many choke ups. I don't mind those so much but it is nice to be able to share with others special things about Gail without being interrupted by tears all the time. You could guess, when the last person left and the door closed I stopped, turned around to the empty house and lost it for a time. I would give anything to have Gail back but that meeting will have to wait until my time is done here on earth too so I will continue to step forward and try to have that spring in my step and a smile on my face. I know it will come, when I am not sure but God's promises always are fulfilled.
Here it is 12:32 AM and I was tired 2 hours ago so it is bedtime.
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