For those who read this I will not be blogging until Wednesday night.
I got my steps into day again. I am finding that walking like that gives me time alone and I can think. Now I must cut down on my eating so I lose some weight. It is funny as I grew up in the country and I love the quiet of the country but for some reason when I walk I like to walk where there are people and things happening. It seems that I can tune the noise out but there is comfort in that. It seems strange but it is true.
Again I went to 7:00 AM church. I do not like to go to church alone but 7:00 AM is the best time. It is just very difficult to be alone during that time. As I walked into church I was behind a couple who were holding hands. For a moment I was jealous but then I was able to thank God that they could do that. The tears came often during church but I guess that is OK.
I finished printing out the letter I will give to neighbors for my open house December 11. I will also invite a few others as well. I do hope at least some people come in Gail's honor and also to celebrate the season.
I have decided to put Gail's and my picture on my Christmas letter. I think it will be OK to do that this year. If that is not the right thing to do I expect the Lord or friends to let me know. I have not written the letter yet but it will be short.
I drove to Richfield to get some candles for my Advent log. I took a birch log and drilled holes in it for the 4 candles. I actually think it looks quit nice. I will pray for many things but for sure I will pray for God's grace during these days ahead. I sent a note to the kids today. I mentioned that we need to take a family picture at Christmas. As much as I would like not to do that I think we should.
Once again I have several things to put out for the recycle person. That probably will continue for some time.
I continue to have difficulty sleeping. I am not sure why but last night I woke up about 5 times.
I was surprised this afternoon as I opened the blog and saw that there was a comment on it. My heart just was so excited. I did not realize that a comment would make me so happy.
I do need to do several things before tomorrow so best be going. I will blog next on Wednesday evening.
I will read your blog as long as you continue to blog. I encourage you to do it as long as you like. You share your life so openly that it is an inspiration. Yours is a journey we will all take at one time or another. Thanks for helping us understand the journey.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am very thankful for your honesty in sharing your life with all of us through the blog. I am thankful that each day is a new opportunity and each day comes with new mercy because it seems most days I use up all of mine and part of some very good person who has leftovers.
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