Monday, March 15, 2010

Gong up north

Here is Gail in an outfit she had made for herself.  I really do not know what year this was taken.
It is early Monday and I am about ready to head out to pick up Mark L and head up north for the day.  I am looking forward to a day out of the cities, a day with Mark and and chance to spend a small amount of time with Arnie, Mark's dad.  He is an interesting guy and certainly one of the "throwback" guys that are becoming more and more rare.  During the winter of 09 he cut, split and stacked 40 full cords of firewood.  When I asked him if he used a mechanical splitter he replied, "They are too dam slow."  By the way he was 82 that winter.  He wears hard work and honesty on his sleeve which is refreshing.
It is day 1 of a somewhat busy week.  A day trip today, I will be busy out of the house all day tomorrow alone with 6 AM meditations, Wed will bring men's group, Thursday an evening meeting and then Aaron and family arrive Friday PM for the weekend.  By the time all that activity is finished we will be looking at hardly more than a week left of March and before you know it Easter will be here.
I need to get the coffee ready and then it is off to the north country.
I did not get this sent this morning as I almost over slept.  It was a great day .Mark and I had a wonderful trip up and back and we came back with the pickup loaded with about 1500 pounds of ash and firewood.  More on the trip at another time.

1 comment:

Mr. Adkins said...

Mom looks like a vogue model!